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Hildegard Westerkamp

was born in Osnabruck, Germany, in 1946. She emigrated to Canada in 1968 and gave birth to her daughter in 1977. After completing her music studies in the early seventies her ears were drawn beyond music to the acoustic environment as a broader cultural context or place for intense listening. Whether as a composer, educator, or radio artist most of her work since the mid-seventies has centred around environmental sound and acoustic ecology. She has taught acoustic communication at Simon Fraser University (1981-1991) and has conducted soundscape workshops internationally. She is a founding member of the World Forum for Acoustic Ecology (WFAE) and was the editor of the Soundscape Newsletter for several years. The majority of her compositions deal with aspects of the acoustic environment.

Online Articles by Westerkamp

Online Sources about Westerkamp: Recordings, Interviews...

Selected Printed Publications

"The Soundscape On Radio." In Radio Rethink, edited by D. Augaitis and D. Lander. Banff, Alberta, Walter Phillips Gallery, 1994.
"A little symposium on the Symposium: excerpts from a conversation between Norbert Ruebsaat and Hildegard Westerkamp on the outdoor events at the 1988 Sound Symposium in St. John's Newfoundland" Musicworks 45, Winter 1990.
"Lauschendes Radio-Radiolauschen" Kunstforum, 103, 1989.
"Listening and Soundmaking: A Study of Music-As-Environment." M.A. thesis, Simon Fraser University, January 1988.
"Acoustic Ecology and the Zone of Silence." Musicworks 31, 1985.
"Wilderness Lake." Musicworks 15, 1981, 20-21.
"The New Museum of Anthropology: An Acoustic Dump." Musings 2, 1981.
"Soundwalking." Sound Heritage 3(4), 1974: 18-27.
"ssh..." Noise Handbook. Vancouver: 1974.

Selected Recordings

Transformations. 1997. Montreal:
Westerkamp, Hildegard, & Norbert Ruebsaat. "Inside the Soundscape." 1986. 685 W. 19th. Ave., Vancouver, B.C., V5Z 1W9. 1. Fantasie For Horns I and II; 2. A Walk Through the City, Whisper Study, Street Music; 3. Cordillera, Zone of Silence Story; 4. Voices for the Wilderness; 5. Harbour Symphony. Vancouver: Inside the Soundscape. Cassettes 1-5.

Recorded anthologies including works by Westerkamp

"Electroclips." 1990. Montreal:, Breathing Room.
"Harangue 1." New Westminster, BC: earsay productions. Talking Rain
"Electroacoustic music." Montreal: Radio Canada International, 1990. Anthology of Canadian Music 37. Cricket Voice.
Musicworks 31: "Women Voicing." 1985. Excerpts from His Master's Voice. Toronto: Musicworks. Cassette MW 31.
Musicworks 26: "A Walk Through the City." 1984. Excerpts from Cool Drool, A Walk Through the City, When There Is No Sound. Toronto: Musicworks. Cassette MW 26.
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